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Taste TV: Japan invented a leaky screen to mimic the flavor

In just a few months, according to the new McKinsey Global Executive Survey, the company that participated has accelerated customer-supply chain ...

In just a few months, according to the new McKinsey Global Executive Survey, the company that participated has accelerated customer-supply chain interactions and digitalization of internal processes for three to four years. In addition, the proportion of digital or digitally activated products in our portfolio has accelerated over a shocking seven years. 

Almost all respondents say the companies that work with McKinsey Global Executive Survey have introduced at least temporary solutions to many of its new requirements, much faster than previously thought. In addition, respondents expect most of these changes to be permanent and will almost certainly already make ongoing investments. 

When we asked executives about the impact of the crisis on various policies, they said that funding for digital initiatives was primarily higher than cost, the number of people in the technology role, and the number of customers. did. The days of wondering how delicious food tasted on the cooking channel may be over. 

A Japanese professor has developed a prototype of a lickable TV screen that can be used to create a taste profile for food. With this device, you can taste the food on the display just by licking the screen. 

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This device, called Taste the TV (TTTV), contains 10 aroma canisters that spray a combination of aromas onto a plastic sheet stacked on a flat-screen TV to recreate the taste of food. A Japanese professor has developed a prototype of a smooth TV screen that can imitate the taste of food. This is another step towards a multi-sensory viewing experience.  

The device, called the Taste the TV (TTTV), uses a carousel of 10 aroma canisters that are combined and sprayed to create the flavor of a particular food product. The taste test is then rolled back on a hygienic film on a flat screen so that viewers can try it. In the days of Covid19, this kind of technology could improve the way people connect and interact with the outside world, said Professor Yoshiaki Miyashita of Meiji University in Tokyo. 

Miyashita works with a team of about 30 students who have created a variety of taste-related devices, such as forks that enrich food. Last year, a prototype of TTTV was produced, and the commercial version costs about 100,000 yen (653 pounds).  He said potential uses include tasting games and quizzes, in addition to distance learning for sommeliers and chefs. 

Miyashita talked with the company about using spray technology on devices that could add pizza and chocolate flavors to toast slices. Meiji University student Yuki Hou, 22, told reporters that he would like to try sweet chocolate by demonstrating TTTV. After a few trials, an automatic voice repeated the order and the taste nozzle sprayed the sample onto the plastic sheet. 

"I'm trying to create a platform where flavors from around the world can be shared as ‘flavor content'. It's like watching a movie or listening to your favorite song," Miyashita said. People will be able to download and enjoy the taste of food from their favorite restaurants wherever they are in the future. Professor added that this device would be useful for up-and-coming sommeliers and chef Miyashita. 

Miyashita before have shown a prototype last year and estimated it would cost $ 875 to build a commercial version. This technology could be used in other practical applications such as distance learning such as sommeliers, and chef, tasting test, etc. Miyashita also told companies about the spraying technology for devices that can apply slices of pizza or chocolate-flavored toasted bread. 

What do you think about the invention? Do you think you will soon lick your TV screen? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Author: Diva Maharani | Illustrator: Akbar Nugroho
