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What is 5G? Experts Explained

5G is a 5th generation cellular network and a significant evolution of today's 4G LTE networks. The 5G is designed for the vast data and connecti...

5G is a 5th generation cellular network and a significant evolution of today's 4G LTE networks. The 5G is designed for the vast data and connectivity growth of today's modern society, the Internet of Things with billions of connected devices, and tomorrow's innovations. 5G will initially work in conjunction with existing 4G networks, and later versions will evolve into a completely standalone network with extended coverage. 

5G wireless technology is expected to provide higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, increased reliability, larger network capacity, increased availability, and a more consistent user experience for more users. I am. Higher performance and improved efficiency enable new user experiences and connect new industries. 

Through a groundbreaking 5G economic survey, we have determined that the full economic benefits of 5G are likely to be realized globally by 2035. It supports a wide range of industries and has the potential to offer up to $ 13.1 trillion in goods and services. 

This effect is much greater than in previous-generation networks. The development requirements for new 5G networks are expanding beyond traditional mobile operators to industries such as the automotive industry. 

The study found that the 5G value chain (including OEMs, operators, content creators, app developers, and consumers)  alone can support up to 22.8 million jobs, or multiple jobs per person in Beijing, China. I did. And many new applications haven't been defined yet. Over time, we will see what the full "5G effect" of the economy will be. 

The 5G offers an order of magnitude – 10 times more bandwidth – more bandwidth than its predecessor, 4G. 5G uses additional high frequencies in addition to low and medium frequency radio waves to encode and transmit information, allowing for wider bandwidth. 

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The bandwidth corresponds to the width of the highway. The wider the freeway, the more lanes you have and the more cars you can transport at one time. This makes 5G much faster and can handle more devices. The 5G can deliver speeds from about 50 megabits per second to over 1 gigabit per second. With a Gigabit/sec connection, you can download high-resolution movies in less than a minute. Does this mean that there will be no bad cell connections in crowded areas? 

Increasing bandwidth helps, but just as increasing the number of lanes on a highway does not necessarily alleviate congestion as more people use the upgraded highway, 5G is a 4G network. A good connection may still sometimes not be available because it can carry much more traffic than a lane. 

The 5G not only connects mobile phones to mobile-compatible laptops but also connects many other devices, from frames to oven toasters, as part of the Internet of Things revolution. Therefore, 5G can handle up to 1 million devices per square kilometer, but all that bandwidth can quickly be exhausted and even more, bandwidth can be needed. 5.5G with even more bandwidth in the future.  

5G can use low, medium, and high-frequency frequencies, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. Low frequencies can travel far, but slow down. Using higher frequency waves means that information can be transmitted faster, but these waves can only travel a limited distance.

High frequency 5G can reach speeds in the gigabit range, and Ethernet and other wired connections may be discontinued in the future. However, it is currently only used in crowded urban environments, stadiums, convention centers, airports, concert halls, and other places where it is most needed, as the higher the frequency, the higher the cost. 

One type of 5G service, Ultra-Reliable, and Low Latency Communications can be used when data needs to be sent without loss or interruption of service. For example, controlling a drone in a disaster area. One day, as technology becomes more robust, it can also be used for long-distance operations. The 5G offers speed, low latency, and connectivity to enable new generations of applications, services, and business opportunities like never before.  There are three main categories of 5G use cases. 

Massive Machine-to-Machine Communication – Also known as the Internet of Things (IoT), it connects billions of devices on an unprecedented scale without human intervention. 

This has the potential to revolutionize modern industrial processes and applications such as agriculture, manufacturing, and business communications. 

Reliable, low latency communication-Real-time control of devices, industrial robots, vehicle-to-vehicle communication and security systems, autonomous driving, more secure transportation networks, etc. are mission-critical. The low latency communication also opens up a new world of telemedicine, procedures, and treatment. 

New applications include home-fixed wireless Internet access, outdoor broadcast applications that do not require an OB van, and improved connectivity for people on the move. 

Changes to Radio Access Networks To achieve low latency, radio access networks (RANs) can be flexible and software-configured to support the very different characteristics of the service types that  5G systems envision. Must be reconfigured in a way. 

Broadly speaking, 5G is used for three major types of connectivity services: extended mobile broadband, mission-critical communications, and large-scale IoT. An important feature of 5G is that it is designed for upward compatibility. This is a feature that gives you the flexibility to support future services that are currently unknown. 

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Extended Mobile Broadband 

5G cellular technology not only improves the quality of smartphones, but also enables new immersive experiences such as VR and AR at faster, more consistent data rates, lower latency, and cost per bit. 

Mission-critical communication 

5G enables new services that can transform the industry with ultra-reliable, low-latency connections such as remote control of critical infrastructure, vehicles, and medical procedures. 

Large IoT 

5G aims to seamlessly connect virtually all embedded sensors by reducing data rates, power, and mobility, and providing a very thin and cost-effective connectivity solution. Several new mobile phones are available that are said to support 

5G and 4G.

Writter: Diva Maharani | Illustrator: Akbar Nugroho
